Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 26 November 2018
Event ID 1118294
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 26/11/2018
Compiled by: NOSAS
Location Notes: On the W bank of the River Nairn, opposite the confluence with the River Farnack, is a SE facing slope currently in use as rough pasture, which is littered with numerous boulders. This panel sits flush with the ground and is largely covered in moss and turf. It can be found on the edge of the area of rough pasture towards the bottom of the slope, and close to a pole supporting a power cable. A second carved panel can be found approximately 10m to the E, named Balnafoich 2 (ScRAP ID: 3056).
Panel Notes: This slightly pear-shaped, gently domed panel lies flat against the earth. It measures 2.4m in length and is 1.3m wide. Twenty-five cups of varying depths have been carved in an apparently scattered manner over the surface. Additionally, there is also a clear curving groove or crack near the NW (narrower) end.