Field Visit
Date 10 December 1957
Event ID 1112239
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NS87NW (unnoted) 810 790
Roman Temporary Camp, Dalnair (Site).
This camp is situated in the field between Dalnair farmhouse and the cottages marked as Cheapside on the O.S. map, at a distance of half a mile SW. of Seabegs Place and 70 yds. S. of the Antonine Wall. No traces remain on the ground, but the NW. side of the camp, including an entrance with a tutulus, the N. and W. rounded angles, and stretches of the SW. and NE. sides were observed from the air and photographed by Dr. St. Joseph in 1957 (1). The camp measures about 400 ft. in width, but its length cannot yet be determined as the. SE. side does not appear on the photographs: it may have been comparable in size to those at Tollpark, Milnquarter and Camel on.
RCAHMS 1963, visited 10 December 1957
(1) Nos. VY 17 and WB 82 in the C.U.C.A.P.