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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 26 September 2019 - 31 October 2019

Event ID 1107467

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NS 55136 21531 Exploring Old Auchinleck formed part of Archaeology Scotland’s Attainment through Archaeology Programme. Working with pupils from Auchinleck Academy, the project provided a flexible work placement for pupils currently not attending mainstream classes. A baseline condition survey of targeted gravestones was completed, as was a basic building survey of the Old Church (a Category B Listed structure) within Old Auchinleck Cemetery (Canmore ID: 43576). This was accompanied by a plane table survey and a photographic survey. The work took place from 26 September to 31 October 2019.

It was hoped by learning new skills through completing heritage activities, participants could then go on to a more formal work placement relevant to their career aspirations. At the end of the programme the relevant level of Heritage Hero Awards were presented out to those who had fulfilled the requirement.

Archive: NHRE (intended)

Funder: Robertson Trust, Auchinleck Academy, Archaeology Scotland

Cara Jones – Archaeology Scotland

(Source: DES Vol 20)

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