Watching Brief
Date 29 July 2019
Event ID 1105046
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
A programme of archaeological monitoring works was undertaken on the 29th July 2019 in respect of works at Carronbridge near Thornhill in Dumfries & Galloway. The works comprised a project to upgrade the Penpont 11kV
Overhead Line.
A section of the works (poles 18; 19 & 20) required to be undertaken within an area recognised as being of national importance and designated as a Scheduled Monument under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act (1979) relating to Carronbridge Roman Fortlet and enclosures at Carronbridge (SM4093). The monument comprises the remains of a fortlet and enclosures which are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs.
Archaeological works were required as there was potential to affect surviving sub-surface archaeological features or deposits of national significance and / or enable recovery of unstratified finds in previously disturbed ground. The archaeological works involved the monitoring of the
excavation of three pole pits (18; 19 & 20) and four stay wire pits (one for pole 18; one large pit for pole 19 and two pits for pole 20).
The excavations revealed very sterile pits which all contained fairly lose fills and no significant archaeological remains of finds were identified during the course of the monitoring works.
Information from OASIS ID - rebeccas1-397189 (R Shaw) 2019