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Field Visit

Date 17 August 1914

Event ID 1103594

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Cup-marked Rocks, Ard a Mhorain.

Some 28 feet south-east of the cross at Ard a Mhorain, on the pebbly beach under high-water mark, are two impinging parallel ridges of rock outcropping through the shingle, showing a length of 3 feet 2 inches and 4 feet 2 inches and a breadth of about 1 foot. On the western shorter ridge are at least eight cupmarks, four in an irregular line near the apex of the rock and four placed lozenge-wise at the northern end, while about a dozen occupy the line of the ridge of the parallel rock. The cups vary from 3 ½ to 2 ½ inches in diameter and from 2 ½ inches to ½ inch in depth.

RCAHMS 1928, visited 17 August 1914

OS map: North Uist xxx (unnoted).

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