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Field Visit

Date June 1983

Event ID 1102628

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This dun is situated about 650m NNE of the house at the centre of Eilean Righ on the grassy summit of a ridge which stands 10m above the level of the adjacent ground with steep slopes and rock faces to the NW and SE; (Canpbell and Sandeman 1964), access, however, is relatively easy from NE and SW along the spine of the ridge.

The dun is long and narrow, measuring about 23m by 6.75m at its widest point within a wall founded considerably below the level of the summit, and varying between 3.5m and 2.5m in thickness. Only a few individual inner facing-stones can be identified, but several lengths of the outer face are visible standing to a height of 3m on the W and up to 1.8m in twelve courses on the E. The position of the entrance is unclear; it probably lay on the NNE, where there is a mass of tumbled masonry. About 6m outside the wall on this side of a natural gully in the rock crosses the ridge; although at present it provides relatively easy access to the summit from both flanks of the ridge, it may have been enlarged artificially to impede approach from the NE and to supply material for the dun wall. The interior is featureless apart from a backfilled trench, which was excavated in 1982. No structural features were uncovered during the excavation, but evidence of burning was noted, and among the finds were an iron knife, a penannular bronze ring, a stone spindle-whorl and a blue glass bead (GAJ forthcoming).

Visited June 1983


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