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Field Visit

Date 18 May 1989

Event ID 1100743

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Situated on the wooded summit of the Hill of Dores, at the W end of a narrow pass through the Sidlaw Hills, there are the poorly-preserved remains of a bivallate fort. It is protected by steep natural slopes on the N, E and S, but the approach is more gradual on the W and SE. The roughly-oval interior measures about 92m NE-SW by 56m transversely and the inner rampart has largely been reduced to a scarp with an external height of about 2m following the natural break in slope around the edge of the summit. Only on the NE, where it measures up to 5.5m in thickness and 0.5m in internal height, and on the SSE, does this rampart survive as a bank. The outer rampart is best preserved on the SW, where it measures up to 6.5m in thickness and 0.4m in internal height, but no trace of it survives on the S. The entrance has probably been on the SW.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS) 18 May 1989.

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