Field Visit
Date 14 May 1929
Event ID 1099379
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
Vicar's Bridge.
This bridge crosses the River Devon at a point rather less than three quarters of a mile to the north of Blairingone. It has a single arch and has been widened on the western side, apparently in 1869, the date cut on the coping of the eastern parapet. A modern panel on the western side is inscribed: SACRED / TO THE MEMORY OF / THOMAS FORREST/ THE WORTHY VICAR OF DOLLAR / WHO AMONG OTHER ACTS OF / BENEVOLENCE BUILT THIS BRIDGE / HE DIED A MARTYR A.D. I538.
The oldest part of the bridge suggests a date in the 17th rather than the 16th century.
RCAHMS 1933, visited 14 May 1929.