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Field Visit

Date 23 February 1994

Event ID 1096395

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This site is located in an improved-pasture field about 300m NE of High Auchenlarie farmsteading. It appears to consist of a robbed cairn measuring 13m in diameter and 0.5m in height with a row of three stones running ENE from its N edge and another three stones to the E, forming a rough N to S line. The cairn is partly obscured by modern clearance, and its NE arc is ill-defined, but it seems to have measured 13m in diameter and is 0.5m in height. The stones are generally as described and planned by the OS surveyor in 1977, although the 'fallen monolith' which then lay to the S has now been moved onto the cairn. As they now stand, the stones of the setting do not form any sensible pattern, and it is not certain that they are all in situ: two of the stones in the N row could have been cleared from the field. The stone setting is unlikely to be the remains of a stone circle, and there is hardly enough evidence to warrant the suggestion that the cairn is chambered: the remains may simply be of two converging field dykes, almost entirely robbed out.

(Cree94 116)

Visited by RCAHMS (SDB) 23 February 1994

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