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Field Visit

Date 30 June 1909

Event ID 1095974

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


93. Sculptured Cross, Tutim.

In the NW. corner of the old grave­ yard which stands on the top of a bank some 300 to 400 yards E. of the shepherd's house at Tutim, in Strath Oykell, is a slab covering a modern grave. It is of the native schist, 4' long by 1' 7" broad, and has incised on its surface a plain long-shafted Celtic cross, with the arms expanded to the extremities and the angles at the intersections hollowed. The ends of the arms are straight, and the base of the stem is rounded. The full length of the cross is 3', the breadth across the arms 1' 6", and the width of the shaft 5"; the arms are 8" in length, and expand from 4" to 5" in breadth.

OS 6-inch map: Sutherland Sheet ci.

RCAHMS 1911, visited (AOC) 30th June 1909.

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