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Field Visit

Date 7 June 1909

Event ID 1095769

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


16. Old Graveyard, Loch Ardbhair. At the head of Loch Ardbhair, on the S. shore, nearly opposite the broch (No. 4) and just to the SE. of the sheepfolds, is situated an ancient graveyard. It is so covered with small stones as to suggest at first that it is the site of a settlement, but closer inspection shows that the graves have each been outlined and covered with stones, probably to prevent their desecration by wild animals. No symbols or letters are

observable on any of the stones. The graveyard, which roughly measures 78' x 51', has been at one time enclosed.

OS 6-inch map, Sutherland, Sheet xlix.

RCAHMS 1911, visited (AOC) 7th June 1909.

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