Underwater Archaeology
Date 12 July 2018
Event ID 1088985
Category Recording
Type Underwater Archaeology
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1088985
NN 7230 4429 This work formed part of the Living on Water
investigation of Early Iron Age crannog-dwellers in Loch Tay.
Work on 12 July 2018 consisted of a single dive to sample
a series of piles from the walkway. Dendrochronological
assessment of old samples from the walkway piles had
suggested potential relationships to timbers from the main
crannog mound, but their desiccated state required new
samples to be collected for further analysis. Four oak
piles were sampled from the walkway feature. These will
see full dendrochronological analysis with a view toward
developing dendrochronologies at Oakbank.
Archive: ADS and NRHE (intended)
Funder: Historic Environment Scotland
Michael J Stratigos – Scottish Universities Environmental
Research Centre (SUERC)
(Source: DES, Volume 19)