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Field Visit

Date 6 April 1920

Event ID 1088061

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


At the angle formed by the West Loan with the high road,360 yards north-west of Prestonpans station, and almost opposite Northfield House (No. 159), is a mansion which is now cut up into small artisan dwellings. There is a main rectangular block running north and south with rectangular wings projecting westward from either end, all portions being two storeys in height. At the south re-entering angle a semi-hexagonal projection (fig. 125) houses the staircase and the former entrance. West of the south wing is a one storeyed outbuilding, and to the east the remains of a second, but both these apparently are additions. A boundary wall returning from the south-west angle north and then east, where it abuts on the west gable of the north wing, completes the courtyard. Throughout, the building is of freestone rubble and has been harled. The roofs are of slate and timber, the copes are moulded, the gables crowstepped. The windows to north, east and south have chamfered jambs and lintels; the upper floor windows are dormers and have triangular pediments and raking cornices surmounted by a cinque-foliated finial, the cinquefoil being the Hamilton charge. On the south elevation however, to the high road, the dormer pediments are elaborated and have horizontal cornices; the western pediment has a scrolled cartouche bearing a shield charged with three cinquefoils two and one for Hamilton and flanked by the initials I H for John Hamilton. The middle pediment bears the date 1628 flanking the monogram I H K S for John Hamilton and Katherine (?) Simpson his wife. Immediately under the apex is a cypher consisting of a capital H, one limb of which is elevated and expanded into opposed D-shapes and surmounted by a cross with arms of unequal lengths. The eastern pediment contains a scrolled cartouche like that on the west and bears a shield charged, three crescents on a chief, a five pointed star at fess for Simpson; flanking the shield are the initials K.S. Adjoining the south wing is a former entrance to the courtyard by a doorway with segmental head and roll-and-hollow mouldings of late Gothic detail.

The courtyard elevations have been greatly altered. The windows of the east wing only have moulded jambs and lintels, while slated roofs replace the original dormer pediments. The original entrance, now built up, is in the semi-hexagonal projection at the south re-entering angle. The doorway has moulded jambs and lintel; above is a horizontal cornice continuing along the tower as a string course. A raking and broken cornice encloses a pediment enriched with carving, which contains a scrolled cartouche, surmounted by a floriated and reeded finial with moulded necking, terminating in a cinque-foil. The cartouche bears a shield charged per pale, three cinque-foils two and one for Hamilton; on a chief three crescents; a star at fess for Symson. Behind the cartouche appears a foliaceous wreathing with a crescent and star at either side, and beneath is the date 1628. Above the entrance the first floor window jambs are moulded. The lintel bears an index finger pointing to an inscription in capitals:


Above the lintel is a horizontal cornice and a pediment enclosed by a raking and broken cornice surmounted by foliaceous scrolls. The pediment bears a cherub winged, above which is a thistle. The projection or tower now has a pyramidal slated roof which is not original; the stair within is modern. Internally the house has been completely modernised, but the ground floor chamber of the main east wing still contains a large 17th century fireplace. The method of supporting the scoinson arches of the windows in this room by a corbelling is an interesting feature; a similar device is utilised at Redhouse (No.7 [NT47NE 2]).

RCAHMS 1924, visited 6 April 1920.

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