Field Visit
Date 28 March 2019
Event ID 1087796
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
This concrete mast base, which measures 2.15m square and 0.9m high on the S, is set into a S-facing slope 6.3m E of the latrines (NH86NW 9.43). Its upper surface is slightly domed and supports a triangular arrangement of three sockets each measuring 0.18m square and at least 0.4m in depth. Beside each of these sockets is a circular metal plate, measuring 0.11m in diameter, with a small, round, central, screw-threaded socket. A fourth socket, positioned at the centre of the triangular setting, retains a shrunken wooden stump.
Visited by HES, Survey and Recording (ATW, AKK, KLG), 28 March 2019.