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St Martin's Kirk Geophysical Survey
Date 25 April 2018 - 31 May 2018
Event ID 1084517
Category Project
Type Project
NT 52096 73940 Geophysical surveys were conducted in and around the old kirk of St Martin’s, 25 April – 31 May 2018, as part of research associated with the Haddington 700 celebrations. The geomagnetic, electrical resistance and GPR surveys almost certainly detected a number of archaeologically significant features and added value to existing knowledge of the site.
Some of the most prominent anomalies reflect the course of a former path, which entered the churchyard from the S and turned around the church passing through both doorways. The GPR survey detected evidence for the remains of a former chancel at the E end of the church, extending c4m E from the nave. Within the western part of the chancel, next to the chancel arch, both resistance and GPR surveys detected a strong anomaly consistent with the presence of a large stone, possibly the consecrated stone upon which the results of the Nungate Bailie and Magistracy elections were proclaimed, according to documentary sources. A number of possible graves were also identified within the limits of the GPR survey, close to the church, particularly on the N side.
Both resistance and magnetic surveys detected evidence for a former road across the northern part of the study area, as shown on a plan of 1766. Narrow curvilinear anomalies heading S then SW from the eastern part of the road could reflect an earlier boundary for a much larger churchyard, detected as a possible wall footing in the N and a foundation trench in the S. All three techniques provided evidence for landscaping in the churchyard. Areas towards the eastern, southern and western edges of the churchyard appear to contain re-deposited or made ground. Some of this material was probably derived from in and around the ruined church while other materials, including probable building rubble, appear to have been brought in. Elsewhere in the E of the site, traces of former cultivation were detected, as well as occasional possible soil-filled features.
Archive: NRHE
Funder: East Lothian Council and HES
Duncan Hale – Archaeological Services, University of Durham
(Source: DES Vol 19)
OASIS ID: archaeol3-318466