Hoddom Description of stone
Event ID 1083860
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Early Medieval Carved Stones Project
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1083860
Hoddom 24, Dumfriesshire, cross-head fragments
Measurements: H 0.34m (24a only), W 0.38m. D 0.10m
Stone type: sandstone
Place of discovery: NY 1783 7352
Present location: Dumfries Museum (1951/36/2)
Evidence for discovery: both fragments were recorded lying on top of Hoddom old churchyard wall around 1915, but the smaller fragment appears to have been lost by 1936. The larger fragment was taken to Dumfries Museum in 1951.
Present condition: battered but the carving is clear.
These two fragments belonged to an elegant cross-head with equal expanded arms, set on a shaft with a double-incised border. On face A within a border of double roll mouldings is interlace carved in relief, which forms a central square within which is a small cross with pellets between its arms. Face C is plain within its double incised outline, apart from a central boss surrounded by two concentric incised circles.
Date: early medieval.
References: Craig 1992, vol 2, 246-8, vol 4, pl 60; RCAHMS 1997, 254-5.
Desk-based information compiled by A Ritchie 2019.