Field Visit
Date May 1989
Event ID 1048132
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
FOLLY AND GARDEN. About 500m NE of the house there is a Gothick folly consisting principally of a SW-facing screen-wall 17m long divided into three bays. Each bay contains a large partly-infilled arch-pointed opening, and there are the remains of corbelled and crenellated parapets above the slightly advanced end-bays. The wall is built of random-rubble masonry and the quions and margins are of dressed sandstone. It was evidently erected to screen a small farmhouse, ruinous in 1961 and now reduced to its foundations.
Nearby to the NW there is a walled garden with a burn flowing through the centre and the remains of a gardener's cottage attached to the external face of the SE wall, which has been heightened. The other walls also show evidence of alterations and blocked-up openings. A shafted stone sundial with an octagonal copper dial engraved I MILLER EDINBURGH was noted in the garden in 1961 but has since been removed to Craigdhu (NM 82(054).
RCAHMS 1992, visited May 1989