Date 23 January 2016 - 18 May 2016
Event ID 1045224
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
The remains of this fort were first discovered by James Hewat Craw, who about 1921 noted two ramparts reduced to terraces on the nose of a promontory formed in the escarpment NNE of Butchercote Craigs, and traces of two ditches elsewhere. Since then cropmarks have been recorded of the two ditches barring access along the promontory from the NE and E, though the marks are diffuse and ragged, the outer a continuous feature some 4m in breadth, but the inner apparently a series of interlocking pits, petering out short of the S margin of the promontory; if this is a true reflection of its character, the inner cannot have been completed. It nevertheless forms part of an enclosure measuring about 75m from NE to SW by 55m transversely (0.32ha). On the N the outer ditch narrows towards its NW end and turns onto the western margin of the promontory, possibly indicating the presence of an entrance here. The interior is featureless.
Information from An Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland – 18 May 2016. Atlas of Hillforts SC4025