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Date 26 August 2015 - 18 October 2016

Event ID 1045194

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


This fort occupies the western of the two summits that make up the top of Southdean Law. Pear-shaped on plan, it measures about 88m from NE to SW by up to 46m transversely (0.32ha) within two ramparts up to 12m apart. Both ramparts are reduced to scarps, the outer studded with intermittent outer facing stones on the SW quarter, and have been largely obliterated on the NE by an overlying late Iron Age settlement comprising up to twelve stone-founded round-houses and platforms with a series of scooped courts and enclosures. Probably reusing the entrance into the fort on the E, the SW side of this settlement is bounded by a bank that cuts across the interior of the fort from NE to SW, and may even be the remains of an independent enclosure taking in the summit.

Information from An Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland – 18 October 2016. Atlas of Hillforts SC3362

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