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Date 5 November 2015 - 4 August 2016

Event ID 1044981

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


This fort occupies a knoll forming the summit of a spur that juts out NE from the E flank of Caerketton Hill. Almost sub-rectangular on plan, it has measured internally about 70m from E to W by 53m transversely, but its rampart has been largely demolished, leaving little more than a faint terrace along the lip of a rocky external scarp some 4.5m in height to mark its course. A terrace at the foot of this scarp around the W end, from the NW round to the S, interpreted by RCAHMS investigators in 1956 as the remains of an outer wall or rampart, gives the impression of a cut feature, and indicates that some attempt had been made to strengthen the defences facing onto the saddle linking the knoll to Caerketton Hill. Although the investigators identified a shallow depression in the SE quadrant, the interior has been cultivated and appears featureless. The entrance is probably on the N, while a broader gap on the E is likely to be the result of cultivation.

Information from An Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland – 04 August 2016. Atlas of Hillforts SC3706

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