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Date 24 December 2014 - 13 December 2016

Event ID 1044495

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


This fort occupies the summit of Ben Effrey, a conical summit forming the NW spur of Beld Hill. The ground falls away sharply into steep rock-strewn slopes and screes along its SW and N flanks, and the only easy line of access is across the shallow saddle to the ESE. A belt of defences about 25m deep, comprising the remains of three ramparts, the outer accompanied by an external ditch, has been drawn across this flank, turning sharply back along the N margin to enclose a wedge-shaped area measuring a maximum of 60m in length from ESE to WNW by 38m transversely (0.21ha). A well-formed and deeply hollowed entrance-way pierces the defences immediately S of the NE corner. The interior is featureless, running up onto rough outcrops at its W extremity. In 2011 a geophysical survey was carried out and an evaluation trench excavated across the defences close to the SW margin. This showed that whereas the innermost was constructed of boulders and small stones and may have incorporated timberwork, the middle rampart was composed of massive boulders in a matrix of re-deposited subsoil, while beneath the tail of the outermost, which was largely earthen, there was evidence of a foundation trench for a palisade (Poller 2011).

Information from An Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland – 13 December 2016. Atlas of Hillforts SC2648

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