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Archaeological Evaluation
Date 22 January 2018 - 9 March 2018
Event ID 1043292
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
Land Parcel 04 contained Trenches 057-071, 382 and 383. Trenches 058-064, 066, 067, 069, and 070 were targeted at geophysical anomalies identified as possible archaeology. As Land Parcel 04 is on the fringes of a series of cropmarks (Northley Cropmarks) that includes two possible
souterrains, an enclosure and cultivation remains, the geophysical anomalies are likely to represent features that are part of these.
Land Parcel 04 contained features that could be deemed archaeologically significant. Several negative features were present between Trenches 062 and 067 comprising pits and linears of unknown date or function. In addition, several SW-NE oriented agricultural furrows were present in
Trenches 058, 061, 062, 063, 064, 067 and 383.
Trench 062 contained a curvilinear feature 062007 at the northern end. It was oriented E-W, was 0.5m wide and up to 0.08m deep. It was filled by a firm mid brown sandy clay with gravel sized inclusions throughout 062008. No artefacts were present.
Trench 065 contained three pits. Pit 065003 was circular in plan, measured 0.3m in diameter and was up to 0.07m deep. It was filled with friable dark brown sandy clay with gravel inclusions 065004. Pit 065005 was circular in plan, measured 0.56m in diameter and was up to 0.19m deep. It was filled by 065006, friable dark brown sandy clay with gravel inclusions. No artefacts were present within these features.
Trench 066 contained two pits and two linear features. Pit 066003 was circular in plan, measured 0.43m in diameter and was up to 0.12m deep. It was filled by 066004, firm dark brown sandy clay with a concentration of charcoal towards the base. Pit 066009 was oval in plan, measured 1.6m by 0.89m and up to 0.05m deep (Plate 6). It was filled by 066010, friable dark brown sandy loam with gravel inclusions. The two linear features were parallel, spaced 3m apart, and were oriented ENE-WSW. Linear 066005 measured 0.33m in width and was up to 0.18m deep. Linear 066007 measured 0.44m in width and was up to 0.14m deep. Both were filled with a firm light brown sandy clay with a mixture of angular and sub rounded stones (066006 and 066008). The very straight and even nature of these features indicates a modern agricultural function.
Trench 067 contained two pits. Pit 067005 was oval in plan, measured 1.8m by 1.6m and was up to 0.28m deep. It was filled by 067006, a firm mid to dark mottled silty sand, with frequent small stones. Pit 067007 was irregular in plan, measures 0.45m by 0.35m and was up to 0.08m deep. It was filled by 067008, friable mid orange/brown silty sand, with occasional small stones. No artefacts were recovered from the pits.
Trench 070 contained one feature interpreted as a stone hole. Stone hole 070003 measured 0.45m by 0.45m and was up to 0.11m. It was filled by 070004, compact mid greyish brown clayey sand with frequent small sub-angular stones.
Information from OASIS ID: aocarcha1-316460 (K Paton) 2018