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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 22 January 2018 - 9 March 2018

Event ID 1043263

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


Land Parcel 06 was sub-divided in to 11 areas (Fields 1-11) and contained Trenches 084-102 and 105-257. Land Parcel 06 has been designated an area of higher archaeological potential based on its proximity to the previously excavated multiperiod prehistoric site at Newmills Farm, the high concentration of cropmarks in the immediate vicinity and the results of geophysical survey, which indicates archaeological features are present in several areas of Land Parcel 06.

Field 5 contained Trenches 171-205, and 219. Trenches 179, 181-184, 186, and 187 were targeted on geophysical anomalies. The topsoil in Field 5 was mid to dark brown silty loam with frequent small and medium sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stones, varying in depth from 0.25m to

1.32m. A glass bead (SF8) was found within a molehill in the topsoil prior to trial trenching. The substratum comprised mid orangey brown silty coarse sand with pea gravel throughout and the occasional small to medium sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stone. Land Parcel 06, Field 5 contained features that could be deemed archaeologically significant. Several negative features were present within the area of Asset 38 (Newmills possible settlement and souterrain).

Trench 174 contained six pits/postholes. Pit 174003 was oval in plan, measured 0.39m by 0.5m and was up to 0.23m deep. It was filled by 174004 a compact dark brown sandy clay with occasional small rounded stones. Pit/posthole 174005 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.51m by 0.6m and was up to 0.52m deep. It was filled by 174006 a dark brown to black sandy silt with frequent small to medium sized sub-angular and sub-rounded stones and small flecks of charcoal. Posthole 174007 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.13m by 0.1m and was up to 0.06m deep. It was filled by 174008, a friable dark brown sandy clay with regular small pebble sized stones and occasional charcoal flecks. Pit 174009 was oval in plan, measured 0.35m by 0.16m and was up to 0.04m deep. It was filled by 174010 a friable dark brown silty clay with regular small stones and pebbles. Pit 174011 was not fully exposed within the trench, with the SE edge lying out with. It measured 0.20m (NE-SW) by 0.1m (visible NW-SE) by 0.1m deep. It was filled by 174012 a friable dark brown silty clay with occasional small and medium sized stones. Pit/posthole 174013 was subcircular in plan, measured 0.3m by 0.22m and was up to 0.07m deep. It was filled by 174014 a compact dark brown sandy clay with occasional small pebble inclusions. Larger stones may represent packing stones for post or stake hole. No artefacts were recovered from the features in Trench 174.

Trench 175 contained two pits and two spreads of burnt material. Pit 175003 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.6m by 0.45m and was up to 0.18m deep. It was filled by 175004 a friable mid brown sandy silt with frequent rounded and sub-rounded stones. Pit 175007 was partially out with the southern trench edge. The visible dimensions were 1.3m by 0.45m with a depth of up to 0.2m. It was filled by 175008 a firm dark brown silty sand with frequent small and medium rounded stones.

Trench 175 contained two pits and two spreads of burnt material. Pit 175003 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.6m by 0.45m and was up to 0.18m deep. It was filled by 175004 a friable mid brown sandy silt with frequent rounded and sub-rounded stones. Pit 175007 was partially out with the southern trench edge. The visible dimensions were 1.3m by 0.45m with a depth of up to 0.2m. It was filled by 175008 a firm dark brown silty sand with frequent small and medium rounded stones.

Deposit 175005 comprised a spread of substantial stone, extending across the trench in a NNESSW alignment (Plate 19). It was 1.2m wide, spreading out with pit cut 175006. Beneath the stone was firm dark brown silty sand 175010. A thin lens of charcoal rich soil 175011 was present at the base. The natural had been heat affected, indicating an in situ burning event.

Trench 177 contained six pits/postholes and four linear features. Pit 177003 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.24m by 0.18m and was up to 0.10m deep. It was filled by 177004 a dark brown silty sand with small stones and charcoal inclusions. Pit 177005 was circular in plan, measured 0.16m in diameter and was up to 0.05m. It was filled by 177006 a dark brown silty sand, containing small stones, and occasional charcoal flecks. Pit 177007 sub-circular in plan, measured 0.25m by 0.15m and was up to 0.06m deep. It was filled by 177008 dark brown silty sand containing small stones (possibly post-packing) and charcoal flecks. Pit 177009 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.30m by 0.18m and was up to 0.07m deep. It was filled by 177010, a dark brown silty sand containing small to medium sized stones and charcoal flecks.

Pit/posthole 177011 was circular in plan, measured 0.56m in diameter and was up to 0.06m deep. It was filled by 177012, a mid to light greyish brown silty sand with stones inclusions. Larger stones were present towards the edge of the feature and may represent post-packing. Pit 177013 was

circular in plan, measured 0.2m in diameter and was up to 0.06m deep. It was filled by 177014, a mid to light greyish brown silty sand with small stone inclusions. Pit 177023 was oval in plan, orientated NE-SW, and measured 0.3m by 0.22m by 0.07m deep. It was filled by 177024, a friable dark brown silty sand with some small pebbles and rare charcoal inclusions. Pit/posthole 177025 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.31m by 0.29m and was up to 0.14m deep. It was filled by 177026, a compact dark brown sandy, silty clay with small and medium sized stones, rare charcoal flecks and burnt bone inclusions. Pit 177027 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.12m by 0.12m and was up to 0.05m deep. It was filled by 177028, a friable dark brown silty sand with some small rounded stones.

Linear 177015 was oriented E-W, measured 1.25m by 1.01m wide and was up to 0.52m deep. The feature terminated within the trench. It was filled by 177016, a dark brown silty sand with frequent small/medium sized stones and charcoal flecks and chunks. Linear 177017 was curvilinear in plan, aligned E-W, measured 0.39m by 0.21m and was up to 0.12m deep. It was filled by 177018, a compact dark brown silty sand with frequent small stones and some charcoal flecks. Linear 177019 was oriented E-W, measured 0.52m by 0.2m and was up to 0.06m deep. It was filled by 177020, a friable dark brown silty sand with very small pebbles and a few larger stones. Linear 177021 was orientated E-W, measured 0.27m by 0.14m and was up to 0.05m deep. It was filled by 177022, a friable dark brown silty sand with small pebbles and very rare charcoal flecks.

Trench 178 contained two pits and a linear feature. Linear 178003 was orientated NNW-SSE and lay partly out with the trench edge. The visible dimensions were 1.8m (NNW-SSE), by 1.5m (WSWENE), and up to 0.14m deep. It was filled by 178004, a mid to dark brown sandy silt with frequent

small sub-rounded and sub-angular stones. Modern fence wire was present within the fill. This deposit concealed pits 178005 and 178007, indicating that both pits had been truncated by linear 178003.

Pit 178005 lay partly out with the trench with the exposed area measuring 0.6m E-W, 0.5m N-S and 0.4m deep. It was filled by 178006 a friable dark brown silty sand with some small sub-rounded and sub-angular stones. Pit 178007 was circular in plan, measured 0.37m in dimeter and was up to

0.21m deep (Plate 21). It was filled by 178008, a friable mid brown silty sand with pea gravel, small sub-rounded, sub-angular stones and charcoal flecks and chunks.

Trench 181 contained two pits. Pit 181003 was sub-circular in plan, measured 1m by 0.9m and was over 0.39m deep. It was not fully excavated due to large amounts of pottery within the pit section. It appeared to be lined by a collection of medium sized, sub-rounded stones 181004 that were pushed into the pit cut. Above the lining was 181005, a mid brown sandy silt that contained sherds of pottery and a flint flake (SF11). Pit 181006 was sub-circular in plan, measured 0.79m by 0.63m and was up to 0.25m deep. It was filled by 181007, a compact orange brown silty sand containing small rounded stones.

Trench 182 contained two pits and a linear feature. Pit 182003 was sub-circular in plan, lying partially out with the trench. The visible area measured 0.7m N-S, 0.63m E-W and was up to 0.13m deep. It was filled by 182004, a compact dark brown sandy silt with frequent small and larger rounded and angular stones. Pit 182007 was sub-circular in plan and lay partially out with the trench (Plate 24). The visible area measured 0.96m N-S, 1.1m E-W and was up to 0.55m deep. It contained two fills. The upper 182008 was a compact dark brown sandy silt with frequent rounded and angular stones

Linear 182005 was oriented NE-SW and lay partially out with the trench. The exposed area measured 1.45m by 0.74m and was up to 0.18m deep. It was filled by 182006 a compact dark brown sandy silt with regular small and medium sized rounded stones.

Trench 187 contained a single pit. Pit 187003 was sub-oval in plan, oriented ESE-WNW, and measured 0.37m by 0.14m and was up to 0.17m deep. It was filled by 187004, a mid to dark brown sandy silt with occasional small to medium sized, sub-rounded and angular stone, and rare charcoal flecks.

Information from OASIS ID: aocarcha1-316460 (K Paton) 2018

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