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Date 11 July 2017 - 30 August 2017
Event ID 1042456
Category Recording
Type Excavation
A programme of Archaeological Survey Assessment was undertaken to consider the Historic Environment within the Haddo House Deer Park and a linked Community Excavation that was part of the Haddo Regeneration Project.
The project was to be publicised and promoted as an element of the Haddo Regeneration Project and as part of The Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology.
Both The Pheasantry and Deer Park Wall Trenches revealed evidence for the structures that had been depicted on the 1st and 2nd edition Ordnance Surveys (1871, 1900) and supported where their locations were.
Although no archaeological features were recorded in the Footbridge Trench to support the idea that the earthwork was associated with an early phase of Deer Pak Wall, the fact that nothing was recorded apart from natural deposits has enabled us to conclude that the earthwork is possibly linked to 19th century activity on the Burn of Kelly.