Underwater Archaeology
Date 11 July 2017 - 21 July 2017
Event ID 1040606
Category Recording
Type Underwater Archaeology
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1040606
NN 7230 4429 (NN74SW 16) This work formed part of the Living on Water investigation of Early Iron Age crannog dwellers in Loch Tay. The project is excavating a range of crannogs with known EIA phases to collect structural timber samples for dendrochronology and wiggle-match 14C dating. Re-excavation, underwater, of the previously exposed structural timbers was carried out from 11–21 July 2017. The excavations were recorded with reference to the existing site grid. The work targeted discrete and well contextualised structural material. This included the annexe feature (Area X), the walkway to shore, and possible internal features on the E side of the crannog mound (Area C). In Area X and Area C, organic debris contexts, probably relating to the structural timbers, were bulk sampled for palaeoenvironmental analysis. Timber sampling was carried out by sawing the top off vertical timbers (some horizontal timbers were also sampled in Area C). These samples will be subject to dendrochronological analysis and wiggle-match 14C dating.
Archive: NRHE and ADS (intended)
Funder: Historic Environment Scotland
Michael J Stratigos – Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
(Source: DES, Volume 18)