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Date 16 January 2017 - 3 March 2017
Event ID 1040577
Category Recording
Type Excavation
NO 1794 3920 A programme of archaeological work was undertaken, 16 January – 3 March 2017, in advance of the construction of an agricultural storehouse 700m S of the Cleaven Dyke Neolithic earthwork.
A watching brief on topsoil stripping resulted in the discovery of prehistoric pottery. A full excavation was then undertaken within a 80 x 41m area sloping from 48.38m AOD in the NE corner to 47.63m AOD in the SW corner, with the highest point being 48.43m AOD along a gravel ridge along the W of the site. A total of 49 anthropogenic features were recorded, 43 of prehistoric origin.
The features consisted of pits and postholes cut directly into a predominantly gravel subsoil, with four main clusters noted. The two clusters across the N of the site, which included a possible structure represented by four postholes, produced pottery of Early and Middle Neolithic date, apart from two pits from which fragments of Bronze Age collared urns were recovered.
The clusters in the centre of the site produced Late Neolithic Grooved Ware of the Durrington Walls type. One or two features in the centre appeared to have been cut through a knapping floor and possibly other domestic waste, since they contained considerable quantities of flint debitage and numerous small potsherds, some charred. The central groups also produced worked lithics dominated by Yorkshire flint, while the N groups contained far fewer lithics, mostly of quartz.
Processing of bulk soil samples recovered grains of naked barley and emmer wheat, the majority from a pit in the N of the site which also contained Early Neolithic pottery and quartz tools, while hazelnut shells were found to be present throughout the site. Seeds of flax, cleaver and vetch were also noted. Five calibrated radiocarbon dates were obtained: SUERC-74463 (GU44641) 3626–3526 cal BC, NE of site; SUERC-74468 (GU44643) 3552–3377 cal BC, NE of site; SUERC-74469 (GU44644) 2833–2635 cal BC, E centre of site; SUERC-74467 (GU44642) 2469 cal BC, E centre of site; SUERC-74470 (GU44645) 2512–2350 cal BC, E centre of site.
Five main phases of prehistoric activity were represented by the remains, beginning in the Early Neolithic and ending in the Early Bronze Age, spanning perhaps as much as 1500 years.
Archive: NRHE (intended)
Funder: The Meikleour Trust
Chris Fyles – Alder Archaeology Ltd
(Source: DES, Volume 18)