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Date 3 July 2017 - 25 August 2017

Event ID 1040511

Category Recording

Type Excavation


HY 303 129 (HY31SW 20 and 112)

Further investigation of the Neolithic complex on the Ness of Brodgar was undertaken, 3 July – 25 August 2017. The main structures were further investigated to clarify their relationships and the individual biographies of each building. Micromorphic sampling of both floors and middens again complemented other sampling strategies including archaeomagnetic and onsite XRF analysis.

Trench T near the southern tip of the Ness of Brodgar was squared off in order to reveal more of the plan of Structure 27 (12.3 wide by at least 17m long overall). More of the late pits cut into the lower slopes of the overlying midden mound were excavated with some pits exhibiting partial rough dry stone lining. A total of >50 pits have now been excavated. Some of the pits were evidently the result of the robbing of Structure 27. The number and complexity of these pits prevented floor levels in Structure 27 being further exposed. However, its plan has been clarified with the SW end wall and more of the internal wall lining being revealed. As suggested last year Structure 27 was lined by vertical orthostats partially held in place by 4m long orthostats lain on edge. A new partially exposed orthostat on the same alignment as the side walls but near the central axis of the structure may be part of an entrance arrangement / passage. The thickness of the walls, c2.4m, would suggest that this structure was not corbelled. A few stone slates previously found imply a roofing system similar to other buildings at the Ness. The southern external corner was also clarified and confirmed the quality of the build with stepped foundations and some slabs exhibiting pick dressing. Further stone slabbed external drains were also discovered at its SW end.

Report: Orkney SMR and NRHE (intended)

Funder: Orkney Islands Council, Ness of Brodgar Trust, American Friends of the Ness of Brodgar, Foundation for World Health, UHI Archaeology Institute, Orkney Archaeology Society

Nick Card – ORCA and Archaeology Institute, UHI

(Source: DES, Volume 18)

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