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Archaeological Evaluation

Date November 2016 - June 2017

Event ID 1040362

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NS 0314 3222 A programme of archaeological work was carried out, November 2016 – June 2017, prior to the extension to Lamlash Cemetery. An 8% evaluation, consisting of eight trenches of 21–30m in length recorded several features. These consisted of several small pit and posthole features and a series of dark silt spreads. These were located across four trenches and were mostly around a gentle break in the slope towards the S and W of the area under investigation. All the features were quite charcoal rich, and four small posthole or pit features within Trench 6 formed an alignment. Two fragments of worked pitchstone were recovered within Trench 4.

In May 2017, a watching brief was carried out during topsoil stripping the NE corner of the site. Three features were encountered and fully excavated: two small charcoal rich pits and a small linear ditch feature, from which a sherd of green glaze ceramic was recovered.

In June 2017, a watching brief was carried out during groundwork associated with the installation of a new badger fence around the area of the extension. A small section of the to the NE of the site was not monitored due to access issues. The excavation of 0.5m wide trench into the subsoil along the perimeter of the area revealed two features, which were fully excavated.

Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: North Ayrshire Council

Beth Spence – GUARD Archaeology Ltd

(Source: DES, Volume 18)

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