Laser Scanning
Date 2017
Event ID 1039070
Category Recording
Type Laser Scanning
NM 3244 3504 (NM33NW 8) As part of a multi-disciplinary project over a number of years, survey and excavation work has been carried out on the island of Staffa. The entire southern end of the island has been surveyed using a laser scanner with further data captured both from drone camera
footage and a set of photos of the cliff faces. In addition, the interior of Fingal’s Cave has also been scanned and recorded. Record photographs have also been taken of many of the basalt columns that have graffiti on them. In some instances, more detailed photography was undertaken including some RTI work on some of the denser locations of overlapping
Archive: NRHE (intended)
Funder: National Trust for Scotland, NTS London Members Centre and Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Derek Alexander, Daniel Rhodes, Stuart Jeffrey, Siân Jones and Tessa Poller – National Trust for Scotland, Glasgow School of Art, University of Stirling and University of Glasgow
(Source: DES, Volume 18)