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Field Visit

Date 31 July 2003

Event ID 1037693

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This hut circle is situated in rough pasture 390m NE of Tillyduke Schoolhouse (NJ31SE 75). It measures 9m in diameter within a low bank up to 2.5m in thickness. A narrow external ditch (or channel) and a broad spread of stone on its outer lip extend the overall diameter to 17m. There is an entrance on the SE which leads into a ring-ditch up to 2.5m broad that peters out to the W and NE of a tump some 7.5m across. A stone wall crosses the NW side of the hut circle from NE to SW. Stone robbed for its construction probably explains why the adjacent arc of the hut circle is so poorly preserved.

Visited by RCAHMS (SPH, KJM) 31 July 2003.

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