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Standing Building Recording
Date 13 May 2002 - 24 May 2002
Event ID 1034266
Category Recording
Type Standing Building Recording
NT 2678 7393 A programme of standing building recording was undertaken at Abbey Strand in May and June 2002. This involved the compilation of a photographic record and baseline architectural investigation of the buildings on the N side of Abbey Strand. Four main phases of development were identified:
Phase 1 Early 16th century
Phase 2 Early 17th century
Phase 3 Pre-1647
Phase 4 Mid- to late 17th century
These phases were sub-divided into periods of a decade each.This survey is not a complete record of the building complex,and is intended as a baseline record and as a framework for any further recording.
G Ewart, D Gallagher, & D Stewart 2002
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
Kirkdale Archaeology