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Date 8 April 2002
Event ID 1034256
Category Recording
Type Excavation
NT 251 734 A watching brief was undertaken during excavations located in Crown Square and adjacent buildings. The aims of the excavations were to create a waterproof layerover the vaults below the Great Hall and Queen Anne Buildingand to create a permanent duct for present and subsequent services. The work confirmed that the vault sequence pre-dates theconstruction of both the Great Hall and Queen Anne Building. The vaults exploit the terraced profile of the castle rock summit tothe S and W, and effectively extend the limits of the upper defensive circuit beyond the area of the natural summit. Part of apossible earlier defensive line pre-dating the vaults was revealed, in the form of a truncated wall upon which the vaults were built.
G Ewart and D Murray 2002
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
Kirkdale Archaeology