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Date 22 January 2013

Event ID 1032867

Category Recording

Type Excavation


NM 2871 2455 Cross settings in the Infirmary Two small trenches (1.3 x 1.3m) were dug through post-1964 infill at the W end of the infirmary.

Excavation in both trenches seems to have been entirely restricted to deposits relating to the renovation of the building in 1964, with the loose rubble presumably infill to make up the floor level. The squint alignment of this building is actually closer to E/W than the Abbey Church, and that of Columba’s Shrine and St Oran’s Chapel, the only candidates for pre-Benedictine upstanding buildings. This might suggest that the Infirmary, along with the Michael Chapel and St Mary’s Chapel which share its alignment, are medieval in origin.

Source: Historic Scotland

D Murray 2013

Kirkdale Archaeology

OASIS Id: kirkdale1-311432

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