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Earth Resistance Survey
Date 29 August 2015
Event ID 1026518
Category Recording
Type Earth Resistance Survey
NT 63709 81255 Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society carried out a ground resistance survey of four 20 x 20m grids on the site of a recorded cairn and pillbox on a prominent mound at Whitberry Point on 29 August 2015. Results showed a sub-circular higher resistance of c19 x 19m with a central U-shaped lower resistance feature. There were also rectangular and linear low resistances to the N and E. This could represent traces of the reported cairn and superimposed WW2 military structure, possibly a pillbox or observation post on the site, given the dimensions of the high resistance anomaly.
Archive: East Lothian SMR and National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE)
Funder: Connolly Heritage Consultancy and Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society
Ian Hawkins and Donald Matthews – Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society
(Source: DES, Volume 16)