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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 8 April 2015 - 14 April 2016

Event ID 1025205

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


A programme of archaeological work was undertaken at various times, 8 April 2015 – 14 April 2016, at a range of locations during work associated with the construction of an overhead powerline.

NN 9169 2877 (Code:17) NN92NW 3 An evaluation and watching brief were undertaken, 8 April – 9 July 2015, in Glen Almond, near Crieff, in advance of the construction of scaffolding for a safety net road crossing. The evaluation concentrated on a previously recorded earthwork enclosure

just to the N of the B8063 and a hillslope to the S of the same road. A total of seven trenches were excavated covering 160.8m2. The bank and ditch forming the enclosure were found to be more ephemeral than originally thought while no archaeology was uncovered in the internal area. The date

and function of the enclosure was not determined.

NN 83936 11103 and NN 83664 10616 (Code:4000161) NN80NW 10 A watching brief was undertaken, 12 March – 12 May 2016, within the scheduled monument of Ardoch, Roman Military Complex 900m NNE of Ardoch Bridge (SM1601) as part of work to remove existing overhead line towers and wooden poles. No finds or features of archaeological significance were recorded.

NN 91249 36027 to NN 92482 29182 (Code:4408161) NN93NW 4 A watching brief was carried out, 3 October 2013 – 14 April 2016, during groundwork relating to the formation of a site compound, an underground cable

corridor and a new tower at the S end of the route. A series of field banks and dry stone walls were recorded in various states of preservation where they were divided by the underground cable route while three small clearance cairns were also uncovered.

NN 89785 33892 (Code: 4414161) An evaluation was undertaken, 31 March – 4 April 2014, at Corrymuckloch, S of Amluree, during work associated with the laying of an underground cable. The three evaluation trenches covered 20.5m2 and targeted a possible building, an adjacent mound and a probable clearance cairn, which had been identified during previous walkover surveys of the area. The remains of a likely stone and turf shieling were uncovered, while an adjacent mound was found to have a cup-marked stone at its centre with later field clearance stacked on and around it. The third trench identified a small clearance cairn of unknown date.

NN 76470 58901 (Code: 4385161) A watching brief was carried out, 19–28 November 2013, during work associated with the laying of an underground cable. No finds or features of archaeological significance were recorded.

Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Scottish and Southern Energy Ltd/Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc

Steven Black, Peta Glew and Andrew Gallacher – Northlight Heritage

(Source: DES, Volume 17)

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