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Date 4 July 2016 - 26 August 2016

Event ID 1025193

Category Recording

Type Excavation


HY 303 129 (HY31SW 20 and 112) Further investigation of the Neolithic complex on the Ness of Brodgar was undertaken, 4 July – 26 August 2016. The main structures were further investigated to clarify their relationships and the individual biographies of each building. Micromorphic sampling of both floors and middens again complemented other sampling strategies including archaeomagnetic and onsite XRF analysis.

In Trench T near the southern tip of the Ness of Brodgar Peninsular more of the late pits cut into the lower slopes of the midden mound were excavated and the underlying middens removed to reveal more of the robbed out remains of Structure 27.

Initially Structure 27’s form appeared to resemble the Bookan-style of tomb; however, in 2016 its construction was shown to be unique. Although the outer wall faces are constructed of fine, large masonry, the inner wall faces are much rougher, but would have been hidden behind upright

orthostats ‘cladding’ the internal wall faces. Large prone orthostats up to 4m in length set on edge helped to support the orthostat lining. Side recesses were created along the side walls by orthostats perpendicular to the internal walls. The lack of apparent domestic features (including the absence of the use of midden in the wall cores) may suggest a funerary function. The symmetry, scale (internally c7.5m wide), and unique construction methods is presently without parallel. Although not clearly defined in the earth resistance surveys, a slight sub-oval anomaly c20m SW/NE by 15m, could be the outline of this building. This may be set within a larger, sub-circular enclosure, c50m diameter again revealed by resistance.

Further excavation was also undertaken in the sondage through the midden mound, which is formed of numerous individual midden heaps. This confirmed the spatial patterning revealed in 2015.

Report: NRHE and Orkney SMR

Funder: Orkney Islands Council, Ness of Brodgar Trust, American Friends of the Ness of Brodgar, Foundation for World Health, Orkney College UHI, and Orkney Archaeology Society

Nick Card - ORCA and Archaeology Institute, UHI

(Source: DES, Volume 17)

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