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St Ninians Isle Description of stone
Event ID 1015201
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Early Medieval Carved Stones Project
St Ninian’s Isle 12, Shetland, cross-slab fragment
Measurements: H 0.43m +, W 0.45m, D 0.08m
Stone type: steatite
Place of discovery: HU 3685 2090
Present location: Shetland Museum, Lerwick (ARC 67129)
Evidence for discovery: found during excavation in 1956, lying face up in the west end of the nave of the medieval church.
Present condition: broken
This is the upper part of a cross-slab with a sunken cross and a flatband border creating by a pecked line.
Date: ninth or tenth century.
References: Thomas 1973, no 14; Scott & Ritchie 2009, no 62.
Compiled by A Ritchie 2016