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Standing Building Recording

Date March 2016

Event ID 1013221

Category Recording

Type Standing Building Recording


NT 25965 73502 Numbers 85–87 South Bridge are a former office block facing onto South Bridge, the Cowgate and Blair Street, which are currently undergoing redevelopment. In 2015 a Level 1 building appraisal identified the remains of a series of domestic fireplaces, floors and staircases relating to the lower foundations of a late 18th- or early 19th-century

tenement building. The rest of the building was altered in the 1930s during the creation of shops and offices.

Follow-up work included a Level 2 building survey of the basement, preceded by a watching brief to monitor the removal of rubble. This work revealed the full extent of domestic flagstone flooring near one of the staircases.

In March 2016 a further phase of building recording was carried out within two vaults that were revealed during stripping work. The vaults lie below South Bridge street level and were accessible from the third floor. The stone-built barrel vaults were found to be well preserved with a large segmented relieving arch present above their former access door.

A photographic survey took place of the interior of a link bridge that was built in c1930 on the W side of the South Bridge spanning the Cowgate. The communication bridge was built for J and R Allan, Edinburgh, a large clothing store, as access between their offices in 85–87 South Bridge and

their main clothing store which once occupied 79 South Bridge and southwards and round onto Chambers Street.

Archive: NRHE (intended). Report: City of Edinburgh Council and NRHE

Funder: Mr J Crolla

Mike Cressey – CFA Archaeology Ltd

(Source: DES, Volume 17)

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