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Abercorn Description of stone
Event ID 1009775
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Early Medieval Carved Stones Project
Abercorn 1, West Lothian, cross-shaft fragment
Measurements: H 1.40m, W face A 0.46m to 0.37m; face C 0.41m to 0.36m; D face B 0.23m to 0.22m; face D 0.26m to 0.22m
Stone type: sandstone
Place of discovery: NT 0814 7907
Present location: in the museum at Abercorn Church (Canmore 251979).
Evidence for discovery: found re-used as a window lintel inside the church during repairs.
Present condition: set in cement on modern plinth, worn but carving still detailed. Left margin of face C has been chiselled off.
This is the upper part of a cross-shaft carved in deep relief on all four faces, with a roll moulding at the edges and an inner roll moulding on each face. At the top is the start of the missing cross-head. Face A is divided into two complete and two incomplete panels of ornament by roll mouldings. The lowest panel contains an incomplete double spiral ring-knot, above which is a panel of two-strand interlace, the pattern turned with a central break. Above again is a panel of diagonal key pattern, and at the top is the basal part of a panel, the carving of which is too damaged to make out, but which appears to be figural rather than interlace.
Face B has a single panel of complex interlaced medallion scroll with single-ridged nodes, in which each medallion contains a slightly different design of twisted sprays of trilobed berry bunches and veined pointed leaves. There are also leaves, single berries and pointed berry bunches in the spaces between the medallions. There is a wider panel of interlaced medallion scroll on face C, although the sinister margin has been damaged by later trimming. Here the medallions contain fleshy pointed leaves, single berries and trilobed berry bunches, and there are leaves and berries in the spaces outside the medallions. At the top there is the base of a panel of interlace pattern. On face D there is a single panel of scroll foliage with triple-ridged nodes, trilobed berry bunches and veined triangular leaves, two of which pass under the stem of the vine. Between each scroll is an elongated veined leaf or frond. At the top is the basal part of a panel of diagonal key pattern, which marks the base of the lower arm of the missing cross-head.
Date: eighth century.
References: ECMS pt 3, 418-19; RCAHMS 1929, no 274, cross no 1.
Desk-based information compiled by A Ritchie 2016