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Environmental Sampling

Event ID 1008573

Category Recording

Type Environmental Sampling


An archaeological watching brief at Burghead Fort, Moray on the east side of the visitor centre at a former coastguard station, led to the discovery of two potential occupation deposits at the base of a small wall of unknown function on the east side of the tower and from the base of a retaining wall abutting the rampart. Bulk samples were taken from each of these deposits during the course of the watching brief for the retrieval of palaeoenvironmental and archaeological materials that may provide further information on the nature of these deposits.

A total of 2 bulk samples were taken during investigations of which both were processed for assessment.

Both samples were found to contain evidence of peatland plants relating to probable peat burning for fuel. The burnt peats may relate to the burning of prehistoric peats previously recorded at the site. Small quantities of burnt and unburnt mammal bone, together with marine shell from the samples may relate to discarded food waste.

Headland Archaeology Ltd.

People and Organisations
