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Desk Based Assessment

Date September 2006 - April 2007

Event ID 1005206

Category Recording

Type Desk Based Assessment


CFA Archaeology Ltd undertook an assessment of the likely impacts on archaeology and cultural heritage interests of the construction of 49 Holiday Lodges at Rohallion Lodge, near Dunkeld (NO 0470 3890).

An archaeological desk-based assessment and reconnaissance field survey have been carried out and six sites of potential archaeological or cultural heritage interest have been identified within the proposed development area (1-6). Thirteen designated sites within 2km of the proposed development area have also been considered, for potential indirect effects on their settings, along with three Category A listed buildings, directly associated with Murthly Castle Historic garden and Designed Landscape.

The predicted effect of the proposed development on the cultural heritage resource has been assessed, based on the development layout shown on Figure 1. Direct effects have been predicted for three features (4a, 4b, and 5) and a further five features (1, 2, 4c, 4d and 6) are predicted to receive uncertain, but potentially direct effects.

Site-specific mitigation measures have been proposed to offset the predicted effects. There are no cultural heritage constraints that would prevent a development of this type in this location.

Funder: Montogmery Forgan Associates

CFA Archaeology

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