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Date November 2003 - December 2003
Event ID 1003514
Category Project
Type Project
NS 444 621 A programme of historic building recording was undertaken in November and December 2003 at the Stoddard's Glenpatrick Carpet Works (NS46SW 31) prior to the demolition of the buildings for redevelopment. Although a paper mill existed on the site c 1826, the earliest surviving building was a rubble-built workshed of c 1857. More buildings appeared in several building phases, most noticeably between 1864-97, with the erection of large brick-built warehouses and offices. Larger single-storey worksheds appeared to the N of the site in the 1910s, 1920s and 1960s respectively. Later sheds appeared towards the latter part of the 20th century. The works have been the home of Stoddard's International plc since it was founded by Arthur F Stoddard, an expatriate American, in 1862.
A subsequent evaluation discovered no archaeological features or artefacts of significance.
Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: Walker Group Scotland Ltd.
D Sproat and M Cook 2003.