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Standing Building Recording

Date January 2001 - June 2001

Event ID 1001715

Category Recording

Type Standing Building Recording


NL 9853 3918 (centre) Building recording of the Upper Square at Hynish (NMRS NL93NE 8) was commissioned in advance of the refurbishment of the buildings. The Upper Square forms part of the shore station associated with Skerryvore lighthouse which is located some 12.5 miles offshore to the SSW. The shore station was built as a work base which was in use during the construction of the lighthouse. Following the completion of the lighthouse the shore establishment functioned as a base for the lightkeepers employed at Skerryvore and their families. The Upper Square was constructed around 1841-42 as accommodation for the lightkeepers and their families and was occupied as such for a period of 50 years. Since that time some modifications have been made to the building, primarily in the latter part of the 20th century, but many original features still survive.

Full report lodged with the NMRS.

Sponsor: A R P Lorimer for the Hebridean Trust

L Baker and T Holden 2001.

People and Organisations

Digital Images

Historic building survey, W elevation, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and Bute
Historic building survey, W elevation, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, W elevation, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, W elevation, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, W and S elevation with Signal Tower, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, General shot of roof and chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, Chimney for water heater, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, Roof vent, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Skylight, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Skylight, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Skylight, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, Lead joins at W side of roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, Lead joins at centre of roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Gutter at E side of roof above wash-house 2, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 33, Joins in lead roofing at S side of wash-house 2 roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Joins in lead roofing at N side of wash-house 2 roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, Downpipe opening, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, General shot of W side of wash-house 2 roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, General shot of E side of wash-house 2 roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 31, General shot of N side of wash-house 2 roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, General shot of roof and chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Roof and masonry above front doors, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 34, Detail of chimney fixings, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 4, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 4/3, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 3, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 2, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 1/2, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 1/2, Chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 24, Masonry above front door, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 4, Chimney detail, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, General shot of chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Repair to lead on roof at E side, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 25, Downpipe opening, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 19, Downpipe opening, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 5, Downpipe opening, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, Downpipe opening, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Join in lead at E side of roof, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 1/2, Detail of lead at base of chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, House 1/2, Detail of lead at base of chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Signal Tower, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Skylight, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 38, Chimney, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 36, Gutter at E side of roof above wash-house 1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Downpipe opening and grate, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 38, Detail of chimney fixings, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Downpipe, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, General shot of masonry at E of building and chimneys, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Wash-house 1, E elevation with doors D1, D2 and D3, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 36, Exterior of door D1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 37, Exterior of door D2, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Exterior of door D3, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Downpipe and exterior of door D3, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 39, Stone at base of downpipe outside room R39, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, N water pump, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, N water pump, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Detail of lead tank inside N water pump, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, N water pump, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Lead catchment tank at base of downpipe outside house 1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Lead catchment tank at base of downpipe outside house 1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Cast iron cover for S water cistern outside house 1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, W wall, S side including fireplace F2, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, W wall, N side including door D8, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Fireplace F2 on W wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Door D7 on N wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Door D9 on S wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Window W2 on E wall , Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 4, Detail of cornice and plaster moulding on ceiling, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, General shot of E area, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, General shot of E area, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, General shot of E area, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, Timber paneling to S side of door D6, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, General shot of W area, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 3, General shot of W area, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 5, Window W3 in E wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, W and S elevation with Signal Tower, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 5, General shot of W and S walls, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 5, Detail of cornice and plaster moulding on ceiling, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, Door D5 on S wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, Lock on door D5 on S wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, Lock on door D5 on S wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, S wall, W side, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, S wall, E side including door D5, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, W wall, N side, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, W wall, centre including fireplace F1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, W wall, S side including fireplace F1 and door D4, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, N wall, W side including door to room R1b, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, N wall, E side including gap to room R1a, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 1b, N wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 1a, Shelf on N wall, E end, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 1a, Timber at top W side of gap through to room R2, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 1a, Timber hooks on E wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, E wall, N side including window W1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 2, E wall, S side including window W1, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 9, W wall including window W21, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 9, S wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 9, E wall including fireplace F14, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 8, W wall including window W20, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 7, W wall, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 6, E wall, S side including fireplace F13, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and ButeHistoric building survey, Room 6, W wall including window W19, Upper Square, Hynish, Argyll and Bute

First 100 images shown.
