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Watching Brief

Date 17 March 2014

Event ID 1000193

Category Recording

Type Watching Brief


In March 2014 East Lothian Council Archaeology Service undertook an archaeological investigation (clean and record) at St Andrew's Kirk, Gullane.

An area 1.9m (N-S) by 1.4m had been excavated in front of the doorway to a maximum depth of 0.38m. Gravel and some of the excavated topsoil had been deposited into the trench to form the bedding for the steps. The archaeological investigation removed the re-deposited topsoil and gravel in order to record the stratigraphy exposed in the excavation of the trench. This revealed topsoil of dark brown sandy silt up to 0.28m deep over light brown silty sand subsoil. The subsoil was only exposed at the north end of the trench, the lower step. Both the topsoil and subsoil contained small fragments of bone and small stones. A number of disarticulated bones were recovered from the re-deposited topsoil and were reburied. No archaeological deposits had been disturbed by the works.

Information from OASIS ID: eastloth3-175673 (Elizabeth Jones) 2014

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