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Date April 2006

Event ID 1000020

Category Recording

Type Excavation


NR 787 911 In total six trenches were examined by excavation in April 2006, and turf was removed within four small sondages to establish the survival and lines of walls. With the permission of Historic Scotland other areas were cleaned of pine needle cover to enhance the understanding of the underlying archaeology. The earliest evidence of human activity on the site came with a group of cup marks incised on natural rock panels at the N end of the dun site. The results of the initial phase of excavation at Barnluasgan have shown that while both dun and enclosure have suffered much in the past and are badly denuded, they still have much to reveal. Excavation has shown that internal occupation sequences are still preserved and may shed further light on the age and function of this type of monument. The sequence of occupation for the upstanding structures is, however, still poorly understood and requires further investigation. The 'cairn' structure to the N of the dun/enclosure complex still defies interpretation although its function as an outwork to the defensive structures can be ruled out. Another positive result of the excavation was the uncovering of a possible curvilinear structure lying within the terrace below the dun/enclosure. Here again, however, assigning it an age and function would require further work. Finds were limited but the presence of charcoal and burnt bone within a dumped 'midden' sequence will help to date the structures.

The archive will be deposited with Kilmartin House Museum and copies of the report lodged with WoSAS and the NMRS.

Sponsors: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Forestry Commission, Kilmartin House Museum, Historic Scotland.

Roddy Regan and Sharon Webb, 2006.

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