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Scanned image of Luftwaffe vertical air photograph of St Rollox district of Glasgow including the locomotive works.,
SC 799774
Description Scanned image of Luftwaffe vertical air photograph of St Rollox district of Glasgow including the locomotive works.,
Date 1939
Collection Records of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe), Second World War Aerial Reconnaissance
Catalogue Number SC 799774
Category On-line Digital Images
Copy of C 47622
Scope and Content Luftwaffe aerial photograph showing St Rollox Locomotive Works and marshalling yards, Glasgow This photograph shows the Springburn area of Glasgow, where many of the city's railway engineering works were located. Of these, one of the biggest was the St Rollox Locomotive Works, visible as the large, square structure towards the centre left of this photograph. Immediately to the north-east (right) is an area of railway marshalling yards, while the two gasometers visible in the lower half of this image are part of Provan Gasworks. Luftwaffe intelligence officers would have used aerial photographs like this to gather intelligence, identify new targets for bombing sorties and to assess how effective earlier raids had been. Aerial photographs, complete with annotations and notes, were issued to German bomber crews along with maps to help them identify their targets more easily. Although Luftwaffe intelligence-gathering sorties continued throughout the war, most were flown in 1939 and 1940. These photographs were used to supplement the considerable dossier of intelligence accumulated in the late 1930s by the German national airline Lufthansa. While ostensibly surveying new routes, Lufthansa aircraft were actually being used by German intelligence to covertly photograph British industries and military installations. Taken during aerial reconnaissance in 1939, this Luftwaffe intelligence photograph shows St Rollox Locomotive Works and the neighbouring railway marshalling yards at Cowlairs, Glasgow. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution & Restricted Use Summary
Attribution: © Courtesy of HES (Records of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe), Second World War Aerial Reconnaissance)
Licence Type: Limited
You may solely view this material on the Canmore Site. No other use is permitted.