View from NE showing ENE front and part of NNW front
SC 718250
Description View from NE showing ENE front and part of NNW front
Date 6/5/1970
Collection Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 718250
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content Regent Flour Mills, Bunhouse Road, Glasgow The river Kelvin was a vital source of water power for Glasgow before the steam engine was invented, and in the mile or so before it reached the Clyde it powered about half a dozen grain mills. Industrial inertia resulted in three of these sites continuing in use into the second half of the 20th century. This shows the Regent Flour Mills from the north-east. These were built in 1887-90 for John Ure, miller and flour merchant to designs by A Watt, architect, Aberdeen. The eight-storey roller milling range is on the right, the block on the left being the granary. The top floor of the milling block is an addition. These mills were built on the site of the Bunhouse Mills of the Incorporation of Bakers in Glasgow, which ground flour using millstones, a process made obsolete by the development of roller milling. The Bunhouse Mills were destroyed by fire in 1886. The Regent Mills were demolished in the early 1970s. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference H35/70/15/24
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: HES (Reproduced courtesy of J R Hume)
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