View from NE showing NNE and ESE fronts of central (N) block
SC 677842
Description View from NE showing NNE and ESE fronts of central (N) block
Date 6/1966
Collection Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 677842
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content Milton Iron Works, No 142 North Woodside Road, Glasgow This works was established in about 1856 by McDowall & Co, iron founders, later McDowall, Steven & Co, who were notable for their range of architectural ironwork, which they sold in the London market through an associated warehouse. This shows the largest building on the site, probably constructed in 1867. It is on an L-plan, and built of sandstone rubble. It was probably a warehouse for the extensive range of products made by the firm. An arched hoist door Can be seen to the right, and the moulding shops were probably in the foreground. Among the products of the foundry were post boxes, some of which still survive. In 1966 the remaining buildings on the site were occupied as warehouses by a number of businesses. They have since been demolished. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference H35/66/16/34
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
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