Barburgh Mill, Woollen Mill View from SW
SC 455215
Description Barburgh Mill, Woollen Mill View from SW
Date 5/9/1975
Collection Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 455215
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content Barburgh Mill, Dumfriesshire This was a rural woollen mill which took in the fleeces of locally-reared sheep and converted them into woollen cloth and blankets for the local people. Much of its trade seems to have been on the basis of payment for service, not purchase of goods. This view shows the mill from the north east. It is a two-storey, seven by nine bay building, on an L-plan. It has been closed since 1950 and is decaying. This is a larger than usual example of the type of small rural woollen mill fairly common in Dumfries and Galloway from the late 18th century to the early 20th century. It came with textile invention; it went with transport improvement. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference H75/68/11
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: HES (Reproduced courtesy of J R Hume)
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