PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO. 38: HOLYROOD GALLERY ALBUM. Professional album, red leather, gilt inlay labelled (back inside cover): 'A & N C S Ld, Stationery Dept, 105 Victoria St. SW.' c.1900 Album of profess ...
PA 38
Description PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO. 38: HOLYROOD GALLERY ALBUM. Professional album, red leather, gilt inlay labelled (back inside cover): 'A & N C S Ld, Stationery Dept, 105 Victoria St. SW.' c.1900 Album of professional prints by J Valentine, G W Wilson and Poulton Series of Castles, bridges, art reproduction, topography England and Norway. Includes views of Killin, Comrie, Crieff and Culloden; a photograph of a Royal Navy warship with twin funnels and views by K. Knudsen, Bergen including Hardanger, Molde, Vossebanen, Romsdalen etc.
Date c. 1900
Collection General Collection. Photograph Albums.
Catalogue Number PA 38
Category All Other
Copies PA 38/2, PA 38/6, PA 38/28V/1, PA 38/28V/2, PA 38/28V/3, PA 38/28V/4